Home Loan
Non closure of Home Loan


I have a home loan sactioned from Goa, which I have cleared in febraury & was waiting for my documents to be delivered. After a month when I call the coustomer care they told me that still some Rs.350/- odd is pending. I directed them to clear it from my savings account. It was done. But again when I call after 20 days they told me some more amt is pending, but when I asked the coustomer care representitive to check the transaction he told me that it was a mistake from there side and a request will be booked on my behalf and it will be cleared and documents will be sent at the earliest. Now it June end and now when I called the coustomer care they told me that it is not yet cleared. I will have to go to nearest ICICI bank a lodge a complaint there.

Being a reputed bank, It is very poor that the service you are giving to your coustomer is so care less & poor.

Company: Home Loan
Country: India
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