HSBC Bank - Credit Card
Charges on un-used card


I had availed a facility of HSBC Bank Credit Card in 2007 with the promise of free for life (Card no 4384599913743901). During 2007 I had used this card and paid as per statement in time.

Since 2008 mid I have stopped using the card because of some service issue with the Bank. During December to August I was shifted from Baroda to Ahmedabad (Gujarat). During this time I have dropped the monthly payment cheque in some of the drop box in Maninagar area of Ahmedabad. These cheques got delayed due to what reason I don’t know. Because of delay from Bank side, they have raised late payment and other charges which I denied to pay.

Due to the above said service issue since 1 ½ year I am not using the said card.

At present the out standing in my account is shown for Rs.10498.06. According to me all these amounts are for late payment charges / finance charges and other charges only. I am ready to pay the amount which HSBC can prove that I have purchased and not paid.

Over and above the monthly statement, recovery officers from New Delhi are calling on my mobile and also on my mobile at home which is with my wife. They are using abusive language and harassing us since last 6/8 months for recoveries. Even they have updated the same on my CIBIL report also which is affecting my credentials.

Again I would like to state that I am ready to pay the amount if any thing is out standing from my side but not the charges as they have charged nor I am ready to pay my hard earned money to settle the same.

Request you to help me as early as possible.


Rupesh V Trivedi

(M) 09724317834

Company: HSBC Bank - Credit Card
Country: India
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