ICICI Bank Credit Card Division
False Statement and miss representation of Outstanding Balance


Hi all,

I don't have to tell how unethical ICICI Bank is. And our judicial system is such that such banks are growing more confident day by day. I deposited a cheque against my balance to be paid after few days. I got a call that they didn't received any amount and that due date is near so I am requested to pay before that date. I knew it was a case of misplaced cheque so I blocked that cheque and deposited another one. After a month i get a statement that they received the misplaced cheque so they credited and then debited as the cheque is already blocked now. On top of that they also charged me with cheque return fee of 250/-. I thought, ok i cannot prove that its there fault and that they misplaced, so I kept quiet and accepted the credit card statement. After 6 months I again get a statement with that cheque again debited increasing my outstanding balance to be paid. I registered a complaint in customer care saying that how can they debit same amount twice that too after six months. They accepted the mistake and promised to call back. Did the call came..whats your guess :) Yah! never came. so I had to get back to customer care and threatened them with consumer court and non payment of any amount until they resolve the mistake. And you know what the customer care professional says " Sir you can very well give a complaint to consumer court". Great they are so used to it that now they are very confident that nothing will happen.

I will not leave them just like that, but before doing anything foolish I just wanted to have your guidance so that I am protected by law.

Thanks a lot. And please avoid ICICI the most corrupt bank in India.


Company: ICICI Bank Credit Card Division
Country: India
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ICICI Credit Card
Poor service

ICICI Bank Credit card
Issued card without permission and delivered it on wrong hand

ICICI Credit cards
I am being charged even after the card has been discontinued

Overcharge on Credit Card

Over charging intrest / cheating

Pnb circle office hoshiarpur and pnb headoffice new delhi

Pnb circle office hoshiarpur and pnb headoffice new delhi