ICICI Bank - Home Loans
Fraud at ICICI


I have applied for a HomeLoan for Property for Rs. 60, 00, 000/- .

As updated long back (to Mr. Patra) that I have handed over a sum of Rs. 45000 (in two installments i.e. 25000 & 20000 for Home Loan Process and Later on Rs. 57085 (Rupees Fifty seven thousand eighty five only) on 15/01 to MR VIBHOR RASTOGI of ICICI Janakpuri Delhi Branch. Vibhor updated that my Loan has been approved and Rs. 57085/- is required for an EMI Security purpose with the condition that if I go by the Home Loan then the Draft will be considered as my EMI against the loan, OR, in case if I do not go for the loan by 10 February then the amount will be returned to my account and the Loan Request will be considered cancelled. Hence, I requested to return the draft and the deposit the amount in my Bank Account.

Now, its been quite long time am following up for the amount of Rs. 102085/- (Rupees One Lac two thousand eighty five only) which was supposed to return to my account in the month of February, which is still not been deposited. Till March to mid April, I was chasing for the same and getting new execuses from Vibhor. In February, I was told that its done pls check your account.

Since then... till time it has become a joke. and no wareabouts of my amount. Then one day when I asked to Vibhor then he replied that there's some financial issue in Bank and every one is very busy, but I need not to worry and he gave me an assurance and gave me his personal cheque no. 233599 dated 26/03 of Rs. 57000 by saying that as everyone is very busy due to financial year-end hence once they clear my amount he will take this amount from me, I was bit annoyed that why he is getting personal in professional things, but I wanted a proof so that one day I can prove myself of this cheating & fraudness.

Suddenly, Vibhor disappeared and he stopped picking up my phones and calls.

I would like to understand that where my money has got stuck or do let me know to whom I need to escalate.

Company: ICICI Bank - Home Loans
Country: India
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