Home loan pre closure


I had taken home loan of Rs. 26.5 Lakhs from IDBI bank 8 months. While taking the loan for pre closure, the class put by IDBI was

1- If I am repaying the money with my own sources with in 6 months then their shall be 2 % pre closure charges. In case if its after 6 months there will be no pre closure charges.

2- in case if I am transferring the same thing to other bank, while closing then I have to pay 2 % pre closure charges.

3- in case if I found a buyer who is opting for IDBI then there shall not be any penalty

Now the issue is.

I found a buyer who is buying this property and he is taking loan with IDBI home finance, which is a subsidary company of IDBI . Now IDBI bank is asking me to pay pre closure charges of 2 % as as IDBI home finance is their subsidary.

As a customer my question is, since it is a subsidaryof IDBI it is equal to transferring the money internally with in IDBI bank. Why should I pay 2 % pre closure charges.

Plz. Assist



Company: IDBI Bank
Country: India
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