IDBI home loan
Wrong Commitment made from bank


I had applied for home loan in IDBI bank. I was requiring Home Loan 90% of agreement value. I had clearly mentioned this to the person who was handling my case.

I had clearly mentioned him, if and only if IDBI can give me 90% loan then only want to apply for the loan otherwise don’t start the processing until this is confirmed.

I was assured by the IDBI person Manish Joshi that I will get 90% loan of the agreement value and the cheque of amt 5618/- INR was taken from me.

IDBI took many days to process my loan. Finally I got the loan sanction letter from the bank in which they offered only 80% loan of property value.

In the mean time they deposited my cheque and amount of 5618/- was debited from account.

When I asked Mr. Manish why I am offered 80% loan he was not even aware of the fact that I was offered 80% loan.

I reminded him that he was not supposed to process my loan if bank does not give me 90% loan. Then he called his senior on phone and it was concluded Manish had no idea about the percentage the loan is sanctioned by the bank.

He also agreed that a wrong information was provided to me and it solely his mistake.

He assured me that he will refund my money because it was his mistake. And then left my office.

Now when I called him now, he says whatever I want to do I can do. But he will not refund my money. He suggested me if I wish to file a police complaint I may go ahead. He doesn’t care.

One thing I have done wise is that, I have taken his sign on the letter that he had given me wrong information and he or the bank is liable to refund my money.

Now I am thinking of filing official complaint for the same. Where I can file it?

At the Consumer Court? RBI? Or the Police Station?

Please guide me. Need someone’s guidance on above matter. As the same thing might have happened with few more people in the past too.

I want to teach a leason to these people that our hard earned money we cant let go in such way.

Company: IDBI home loan
Country: India
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