Complaint regarding customer care service of Idea mobile company


Dear Sir

I have complain regarding Idea customer service provider and customer care. I am from Kothrud Depo -Pune. I have a post paid connection of Idea No. - 9822539476.

Due to personel reason i wanted to disconnect the idea service and i have given written application along with verbal communication to our nearest customer service centre at paud road, Pune on 15th march. I have paid all the payment.then also idea company has send me April to June months bills even though i have given application for discontinue the connection. Again i went to paud road pune branch and spoke to there person and settled issue by paying again Rs. 280/- .But still again this month i have received bill of showing balance of amount 177/- and when we went to same branch to ask for details, they were not ready to give details nor they are giving proper answers and behaved with no manners.

we are totally disappointed with idea's service and would like to tell everyone please dont take connection of idea. as these people have not given proper training how to treat customers. As idea company have told there emplyees that dont pay attention towards those who have disconnected.or they dont want to settle the bills only to get money any how and fulfill their targets.

i want to request you to please give priority and preference to this complaint and please give us solution as our deposit amount is pending with idea and they are not giving us by just raising bills against that months to which we have not used also as we already has disconnected in the month of march.

how they can raise bills for the month of april to june-09. if we have given application, how they can say that for processing it takes time and till head office get intimation we cant have to pay bill. why we should pay bill if we are not connected, as our service was blocked when we have given complaint.who has made this rule i just want to is duty of system operator to disconnect line as soon as we give application and from system only u should delete mobile no for future billing.why network of people is so dull or system is so third class that if they cant handle problem, how they are handling such company.

please if you are really solving complaints please look in to matter first and solve this problem .as we got frustreted with there behavior .waiting for ur reply.

thanking you

makarand dhavale

Company: Idea
Country: India
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