IGNOU-not yet declare the reults
No results & no reply


Dear Sir,

This is a big grievance about the paper IBO-06 of the course-PGDIBO which has been kept on troubling me.

My name is Richard.

I had enrolled your PGDIBO programme from cochin in 2003.I have written the whole exams in 2004 when I was in India. I failed only the last paper (IBO-06-International Business Finance) out of the full course.

This was my first chance for this paper.

Enrollment no of 031718630

At the first chance when I written that paper I failed just for four marks. I couldn’t give that paper for revaluation as because that I left to Dubai after some months after the exams.

In 2004 I came to Dubai and I written that failed exam in 2006 June from Wisdom-Dubai. But the results were not published and not declared in the internet. When I called to IGNOU-Delhi about this-what they said to me was- I have failed the paper. But here also surprising thing you want to note is-I didn’t get any mark list of the results which I had appeared. I had to hear from the IGNOU-Delhi office on the phone that I have failed-just verbal information. There wasn’t any mark list hardcopy to me or the results were not published. You can check in the IGNOU site now - in there you can see only the results of 2004.(Green card Option) The results of 2006 for the last paper is not there. I kept on asking about this -but nothing came-my time also gone off for this.

As because I was supposed to full fill the course completion in the span of three years from the year of enrollment, I couldn’t reappear the (IBO-06) again.

I felt sad and the exam which I had taken in June gone in vain as the results were not getting. For that I have spend around worth of 10000/- for transfer the exam centre and for the exam fee.

As per the above information (course expired) I taken new registration for the same course in anticipation that I just want to write only the failed paper (IBO-06) and later on after passing I want to transfer the credits only to the new registration to get the certificate. I have done enrollment again in august from cochin for the fresh admission and later on I wrote the paper (IBO-06) again in December from wisdom -Dubai by paying the fee as an international student.

Enrollment no of 084368016

But very sorry to say-results not yet declared whenever I am checking in the internet.

After several correspondence to so many people later came up with a point that -

“as this registration done in august I can take the papers step by step-In December I can take only first three papers of this course and in June only I can take the remaining three (only total papers are six for this course). As the paper which I have written is ordered in last as per the course code, I was supposed to take the exam only in june.this is the reason why I am not getting the results“. this is the reply I am getting from the university.

Sir -what I am surprising is why the hall ticket has been issued for me and I have written that paper also.if it is in that case I would have kept quiet and I would have written the exam in last june.

Sir I have to get only one paper sir the last one-IBO-06.I have written the exams but it is not declaring because of this.

Now I am fully exhausted and desperately tired off just for one paper.

Sir I am tired off - just for one paper (IBO-06) I have been going through for this in lot of hinges and after putting all the efforts, money & time all are going in vain.


Let me brief about my condition.

I am 28 now. I have been behind this course (PGDIBO) from the age of 22.

I could have taken MBA from any university or even from IGNOU itself I would have put same money effort and time which I have put for this course.

Now I lost the job in Dubai because of recession-I am not getting any good job as I am not having any PG degree

I am in the age of marriage-let me have that course please

I am asking you earnestly to make me pass for that only paper-IBO-06 (International Business Finance)

Enrollment no of 031718630

Enrollment no of 084368016

Please help me…


Richard Antony

This is the email I have forwarded to the Concerned people. I hereby mention the names of the persons who I have emailed.i did, nt get any reply at all. Court please help me.

I am going legally. Now I am reluctant to appear the exam again-thinking that even if I write the paper I dont think those dummy people can declare the results.

srikantmohapatra@ignou.ac.in, pkhare@ignou.ac.in

for your reference I produce the emails I have forwarded to the IGNOU people.

dear court I am fully tired off for this one paper (as because of thier incapability of tracing out my paper which I have written.because of this my good years (youngster ages-where my career to be estabilished)

dear court can you suggest me how to go legally.

I need to justify about the delimma I have had suffered because of this ugly ugly ugly worst university

This should, nt be happened to any of my juniors.

court please help me...

Company: IGNOU-not yet declare the reults
Country: India
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