Indian Railway
Mis-management at H.Nizamuddin rlwy station


Respected madam /sir,

I would like to draw ur kind attention towards the problem passengers facing since last few months at H.Nizamuddin railway station.

Maximum crowd prefer the outer ring road end of the station where there is a plenty of ticket windows but only 2-3 are in working condition.

sometimes even they also failed!

Another big problem is that there is no seprate window for PLATFORM TICKET.

Many people arrived at station just to receive and see-off their nearone's.

and a horrible scene creates at the ticket windows coz it is not possible to purchase ticket from the same window through which passengers are purchasing travelling tickets.

I m a STUDENT by occupation and doing enginnering from outside Delhi.

whenever I go from delhi my parents also drop me in the train.

But to purchase PLATFORM ticket we have to reach station about two hours before the train timings.

same problem is also faced by many other families.

please do needful and please reply.

i shall be very gratefull to you.

thanking you

Your's truly


MOBILE No.9873451037{Delhi}

MOBILE No.9827083188{Gwalior}

Company: Indian Railway
Country: India
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Booked online train ticket
URGENT: Reversal of ticket PNR NO- 4202209268

On behalf of Parents of Mahila Samithi English High School, Thakurli
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Indian Railways
Indian Railway