Indian Railways
In and outbound passengers at Barddhaman railway station face extreme hardship


That the in and outbound passengers face immense difficulty when they are in a hurry in catching trains. Rickshaw pullers do not follow any traffic rules, the footseller vendors also. Unauthorised and licensed rickshaw pullers block the ingress and egress of the barddhaman railway station by keeping their rickshaws here and there. Though there is a separate stand for them but they roam throughout the whole area of the station and block the roads. It is very difficult for the passengers especially the daily passengers in a hurry to catch a train, infact the G.T. Road itself is very congested, all the big commercial transports and route buses ply along the narrow G.T.Road, not to speak of thousands of rickshaws, both unauthorised and licensed, the local administration, municipality have got no control over them. It takes long time to reach station, especially the main entrance of the railway station should be evuacuated from unauthorised rickshaws and pavement vendors. Rickshaws should stand on their stand earmarked for them and not here and there throughout the railway station premises.

Company: Indian Railways
Country: India
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Indian Railway, Barddhaman Station
Very worst and non co-operational behaviour of The Deputy Station Manager of Barddhaman Station

GRPF Barddhaman Railway Station
Barddhaman railway station should be cleared from unauthorised rickshaws and pavement vendors

On behalf of Parents of Mahila Samithi English High School, Thakurli
Mismanagement at Mahila Samiti English High School, Thakurli