India today magazine
Not recieved the travel bag


I had placed a subcription order in the month of January for one year and had paid Rs. 985/- for the same by cheque no. 478821 drawn on Rupee Co-op. Bank, Pune, Maharashtra, to the said India Today magazine. I have been recieving the magazine since then. However the said offer for one year had mentioned that I will get a Reebok Travel Bag shortly. Till date I have not recieved any such bag from them. This magazine is a reputed one and the advertisment placed by it in its magazine carries assurance of the promises mentioned to deliver the gift items when one places the subcription orders. After almost 7 months I have still not recieved the said bag from India Today group. I have mail them the said fact on 01/07/09 however I have not reieved any answer from them. Please do the need full.

Company: India today magazine
Country: India
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Hcl, HCL EZEEBEE -1115 (computer)
Complaint HCL EZEEBEE carrying serial number 6097AZ176288


India Today Book Club
Order not deliver since MArch

Indian Postal service
Non delivered speed post letters and going wrong address

Bus Booking
Unable to Board..still no refund

India Post Office
Speed Post not Found


India Post
Non-delivery to recepient