Jobs abroad ireland
List of requirements and if it is thru or a scam


Job Abroad team View Contact

To: Bart San Martin


Dear Applicant,

Thank you for confirmation of your interest in the further work permit procedure.

We would like to inform you that our procedure is completely legal and it involves work permit application, contract and work visa application. We believe we have sent you list of requirements earlier and you can read for yourself that work permit form is one of the listed items that the employer requests in order to do potential further processing of it. This should give you 100% assurance that procedure is legal and follows the valid legislation for hiring of a foreign worker.

We would like to provide brief summary of your work permit application so far and give you guidelines how to proceed further.

We would like to state in advance that if you want us to help you in this work permit application, you would need to adhere to our rules of work and guidance.

Let us confirm the following things:

You already have an employer and the employer is already expecting your fully prepared application set for further potential work permit processing. Your job offer details are:

Position: Office Assistant

Employer: Administrative Support Department at a Top-Ranking Company

Location: Dublin, Ireland

Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full Time

Work contract: lenght - 2 years with an option of renewal for 3 then 5 years.

Net Payment: 14 Euro Hourly for 39 hours per week, 5 days work week, 2 days off

Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible

Employer offers:

- Accommodation in proximity to the work place /family accommodation also available/

- Annual vacations covered, full medical/dental and retirement insurance covered

- Plane ticket and visa fees covered by the employer

You stay excellent chances to get this job in case you prepare and submit all within the deadline and this chance is reduced to 0% in case you do not prepare and submit

List of the application set items the employer must receive from you:

- Work permit application form filled with your personal details in the relevant sections of the form

- CV European

- Motivation letter

- Personal registration number in the state work force - you cannot start working there if you do not have it.

The registration number at the state work force service would help the employer in the process - as you would already figure in the lists, a certain employer will be able to just go in the work force service, point your number and state that he/she would like to hire exactly you. This makes the procedure very simple and completely legal, because officially only the work force service itself is the institution able to realize your job application. This will also help the employer to present proofs to the authorities why he/she prefers to hire a foreign employee.

Notice: Passport is not a mandatory requirement at this stage, it shall be required in later stages in the process. Presently, you need to concentrate on the preparation of the above-mentioned 4 items.

ULTIMATE DEADLINE CLOSING is 25th September It means your application set needs to be entirely prepared and traveling towards employer's end PRIOR that date. Once deadline is missed we cancel the application altogether and our policy is not to work again on applications with missed deadlines.

Recommendation for the required application set items preparation –

Considering the extremely short deadlines for the application requirements preparation, we recommend you to use the requirements preparation services of translatoren that has been successfully used by many applicants from your country. European Translation Agency are a European-based company. They can prepare for you all application set requirements as follows:

- Work permit application form

- CV European

- Motivation letter

- Personal registration number in the state work force - you cannot start working there if you do not have it.

Contacts of European Translation Agency are:


YAHOO-messenger: translatoren

We encourage you to contact them and immediately coordinate for 1 day application set preparation. They charge minimal fee / 2 200 philippines pesos / and prepare all application set items in accordance with the current European standards.

This will be the only fee covered by you in this application, using paid service will ensure that you have all required items within the deadlines. All other expenses as plane ticket and visa fees are covered by your potential employer.

Our previous applicants have used their service and remained satisfied with the service quality and speed. Moreover, most of these applicants are already successfully working in Europe.

Step by step procedure:

1/ preparation of application documents and sending them to your employer in Europe this is the only expense you may incur in the whole process. ULTIMATE DEADLINE CLOSING is 25th September

2/ the employer receives your documents and processes them towards work permit and work contract - work permit fees are to be covered by the employer

3/ after work permit issue the work permit is sent to you directly along with your work contract and other work visa support documents

4/ you arrive in Ireland where a representative of the employer and our team meet you at the airport. You will be given orientation meeting and taken to your accommodation in your case family accommodation is provided and covered by your potential employer.

5/ you start your new job in Ireland

You are at step 1/ at present.

Work visa comes at step 3/ (most of our applicants ask when the visa will be issued, it is issued at step 3/)

We would like to also clarify that your family can legally join you at the time of your departure for Ireland or later at their convenience.

We definitely hope that you will proceed with the further recommended steps in your application and that we will see you soon at the airport arrival terminal.

Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you have questions.

Yours sincerely: Job Abroad team

&-- Original Message &--

From: Bart San Martin

To: Frank Crawford

Sent: Wednesday, September 23 8:56 AM

Subject: Re: Contact us immediately - Our user support is at YAHOO messenger: OnLineHelpEU

Dear Sir,

Im interested at my application.recarding at that matter im preparing my application and dociments so that thier be no any problems in processing my application.


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