Jodhpur Medical Research Centre Trust
Suitable action could be taken against them


I, Dr. S.D. Khetani, Managing Trustee, on behalf of Board of all twelve existing trustees of JMRC Trust (Jodhpur Hospital), Jodhpur wish to inform you the following facts in General Public interest :-

(1.) Jodhpur Medical Research Centre Trust ie. JMRC Trust (Jodhpur Hospital) is a Public Charitable Trust, registered with Income Tax Department. Its registartion is also pending with devsthan Vibhag since 20/10.

(2.) Some of the people namely - Vasudev, Laxman, Ramesh, Mahesh, Kamlesh (all of them are non- medical & unemployed) were expelled from JMRC Trust on 24/11/03 & 12/05/04 on the grounds of - (i.) misappropriation of JMRC Trust money for their personal uses, (ii.) cheating & pilferage through Bank Accounts of JMRC Trust & (iii.) writing & circulating offensive, abusive & threatening letters to co-trustees. In their place, competant & expert trustees were appointed & registered on 25/08/03.

(3.) Since their expulsion from JMRC Trust they keep writing letters of false, baseless & fabricated allegations about JMRC Trust in various deptts. They are doing this uncivilised & criminal activities out of their frustrations to defame & ruin this reputated JMRC Trust Hospital.

For the said criminal & uncivilised deeds, these expelled people are using the following unrelevent, baseless & fabricated papers repeatedly :-

(a.) 22-23 years old trust-deed which was unanimously amended several times. Some trustees expired, some appointed & some were dimissed, as per trust Acts. (They have only photocopy of this 22-23 years old Trust-deed. )

(b.) After their expulsion from JMRC Trust, they among themselves fabricated a piece of paper on 12/04/04 at home to show that they have expelled the managing trustee for life, Dr. S.D. Khetani (who had the majority of all twelve trustees of JMRC Trust right from begining till today)

c.) This fabricated piece of paper of 12/04/04 was published by them on 17/05/04 out of revenge, as their Power of Attorney was revoked & the same was published by Dr. S.D. Khetani on previous day ie. on 16/05/04. Their false fabricated news of 17/05/04 was officially denied & published on 18/05/04 by Board JMRC Trust.

These above three fabricated, false & unrelevent pieces of papers, alongwith abusive, offensive & threatening letters are persistingly being circulated by these expelled people to malign, ruin & defame the JMRC Trust Hospital.

Various departments like EPF, Head Post-office, TAGB, ICICI Bank etc. have already rejected their allegations in false fabricating letters. The TAGB & ICICI Banks have also freezed the Accounts of JMRC Trust on request of Managing Trustee, Dr. S.D. Khetani who has also sued them in Hon’ble Court for criminal defamation case.

The main case is also pending & being investigated at Devsthan Vibhag, Jodhpur.

The matter is subjudiced. These frustrated expelled people, anticipating their defeat & punishment through Hon’ble Courts, have come to these lowest, uncivilised & criminal activities of writing & circulating these false, baseless, fabricated & abusive letters in various deptts. to defame & ruin JMRC Trust Hospital & Dr. S.D. Khetani.

Hence you are requested that in case if you also receive such types of letters about the JMRC Trust or its managing trustee, Kindly ignore them & please inform to board of JMRC Trust Hospital & its managing trustee -Dr. S.D. Khetani, so that suitable action could be taken against them, in continuation.

Thanking you With regards,

Yours Faithfully,

(Dr. S.D. Khetani)

Managing Trustee/ Hosp. Suptd.

J.M.R.C. TrKhetaniust Hospital

Sector - E - Shastri Nagar,

Jodhpur - 342003 (Raj.)

Company: Jodhpur Medical Research Centre Trust
Country: India
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