Just Dial
Information provided them are misleading


Iam not victim of any of their service, this is for social cause

1. Just dial provides, promotes, pushes the companies who pay them and there may be some company or firm or individual who may posses better skills and provide low cost solution for the same issue, but Just dial don't tell that

2. Say if i need a hotel or taxi or a shop, now assume i call and ask just dial, just dial gives me contact information of shop X, and shop Y may fit me best, but just dial don't provide it, because of simple reason shop dont pay Just dial. So i have been sent to a Wrong service provider

3. This is a kind of exploitation, so i strongly recommend, dont encourage this chain service, which indirectly pulls money from your pocket, without your knowledge

4. But i would say Just dial may be ok for some one who needs some things, but can't fit for some one who needs BEST

Company: Just Dial
Country: India
State: Tamil Nadu
City: Coimbatore
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