Just Dial
Fraudulent sales personnel and utterly unproffesional company



I take care of sales and marketing functions at a small Kerala based tour operator called tennderGreens Holidays. Back in August Just Dial contacted us and offered us with some alluring packages to list our company's name in 6 metros - Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Chennai and Bangalore. We were promised with at least about 14 relevant leads (genuine, quality leads) and the total package was worth Rs 1.2 Lakhs. Unlike any professional company, they never gave a written commitment for the number of leads. However, we were gullible to believe the sales person (a person named Balasubramani, who turned out to be one of the biggest frauds I've ever met in life). We signed the deal and got the keywords activated.

However, from day one, we started getting completely non relevant leads (that too around 4 to 5 leads per day) worth pure waste of money, time and energy. When things were not working as expected, I was under pressure within the company to work with Just Dial and try improving the scene. However, Just Dial, by nature didnt have anything to offer and at the end of 2 months trial, they (Mr Balasubramani - the sales person) admitted saying he wouldnt be able to offer the promised no of leads and hence suggested cancelling the contract. However, we still gave another 2 weeks for him to explore any possibilities of improvement. Finally, much to our disgust, we decided to pull-off the contract and requested for the refund.

Mr Balasubramani was the only person with whom we were interacting and he had blocked all other in the company to stop interacting with us. We believed him when he said it will take about a month to get the refund. We waited a month, but much to our surprise, he informed that it's still being worked out and will take another few weeks. Finally, it's a huge sum for a small company like ours and hence didnt want to argue on anything. We waited another one and half months. On 10th December (after 2 and half months of cancelling the contract), we were clueless and was really concerned about the refund. However, as a shocking surprise, from this day, Mr Balasubramani has stopped attending our calls or emails. After hopelessly calling him for more than 10 times day, we decided to reach out to someone higher-up in Just Dial, Chennai. However, sadly none of them seem to be taking any responsibility of the issue and stated,

"Just Dial never refunds the payment"

To them it doesnt matter if they honor the commitments to the customers not, but the payments are never refunded. It was hard to understand the fundamentals of that business sense. How can a company of this kind behave so irresponsibly and unprofessionally? Dont we have a bit of human sense when at least they collect such huge sum of Rs 1.2 Lakhs?

Our financial losses were further magnificent. Thinking we would need extra hands to respond to the huge number of enquiries, we had also hired half a dozen customer support executives, who ended up having no job for almost 2 months and we eventually had to dissolve this team due to lack of business. We are not complaining about all that we did, without knowing that Just Dial as such a scrouplous company. However, we at least need the refund of the payment we did to Just Dial for no services delivered.

Is there any way that anyone of you can help us getting this done? We have a very limited written proofs or email comunications to prove any of the commitments from Just Dial. All we have is the one way from communications from us, as Just Dial persons never written anything back to us. We used to write a mail first, then call Mr Balasubramani to figure out if anything can be done. He seem to have been clever enough not to use emails and leave any proofs behind for the promises given.

Please help if anyone can help us in this regard. Would be sincerely grateful for that. Thanks.


Shiju Radhakrishnan, tennderGreens Holidays, Cochin, Kerala

www.tennderGreens.com | 91 99625 71074

Company: Just Dial
Country: India
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