Kent Water Softener


Wanted to know if can add disinfectant potassium permanganate to the water that enters water softener. Caution: Dangerous explosions are liable to occur if potassium permanganate is brought into contact with organic or other readily oxidisable substances, either in solution or in the dry condition. Please reply at the earliest to our query whether we can add KMnO4 to water before it enters the water softener, at the above email address. Thanks.

Company: Kent Water Softener
Country: India
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Kent Ro
Service and Customer Care

Kent Water Softener
Said us the softner will soft minimum 4500ltr water soft per day But as i m using it's not working more then 1600ltr for a day

Kent Water Softener
Kent softener not working

Hcl, HCL EZEEBEE -1115 (computer)
Complaint HCL EZEEBEE carrying serial number 6097AZ176288

Adecco - PF
Cheque not returnd back with name correction

Kent Grand Mineral RO Water Purifier
House of Hopeless People, Hopeless Service & Hopeless product


KENT Water Softner
Defective Kent water softner Equipment not installed properly by the company

Kotak Mahindra Bank
Pin No. not received

PF cheque not received