Local Van Driver
Rash driving and abusing by local school van driver Van No. KA-04-4447


When i was passing on road by two wheeler where road was damaged and there were pit logged with dirty water both side. One van driver purposefuly came from back taking high speed and passed thru water logged pits on road I got wet badly with dirty water which was logged on damaged road thrown from van wheels. Further when I saw that he is dropping one school kid (kid was from JSS public school) I reached and told to take care of other person passing on road specially in case of such damaged road and water. On my this comment he started abusing. He do not have any respect or humanity to other people and making trouble to people. I want to know where to approach to complaint against such case other than police. Van No is KA-04-M-4447 gray color maruti Van (omni).

Company: Local Van Driver
Country: India
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On behalf of Parents of Mahila Samithi English High School, Thakurli
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