Manipal Hospital



I would like to register a complaint against the attitude of doctors from above said institution. I have had the unfortunate association with some doctors of the above said organization.

My relative is a paralytic patient and was diagonised with a tumor. She had been earlier admitted in the Manipal hospital for treatment for stroke and was taken care of (Thanks to the Doctor from General Medicine who attended her). Once discharged from the hospital after the stroke, which rendered her completely motionless and bedridden, the hospital always showed reluctance to even send a nurse home to change her catheters - it should be noted that the patient stays about 50 meters from the hospital.

When she had other problems that was getting very painful and traumatic on her, we decided to get a doctor to see her. Hoping for a caring attitude similar to what we got from the General medicine doctor, we approached the departments of oncology and gyenacology. We took her to casuality ward during these checkups, and while the attitude of nurses was always caring, the callousness and the ineptitude of the duty (junior) doctors was quite shocking. It is quite disappointing to note that Manipal is grooming a bunch of money minded junior doctors without any compassion or even a basic doctor's instinct, intuition, or presence of mind. When she was screaming her lungs out of pain and fear. they used to get impatient and ask US to take care of her. I wonder if WE had the treatment for her pain, why would we have gone to THEM??

Still not giving up hope, we consulted the same hospital for her tumor. The attitude of the doctors towards her was definitely not appreciated. I regret to say that they were actually wondering aloud, about trying to save a patient who has lost speech, and mobility to the stroke. I want to insist here at that point, she was very much alive and active in the possible capacity otherwise. It was extremely **** to see them give up on a patient even before they could examine her.

We got another specialist from another Hospital who did not think twice before operating upon her. He said, just because she cannot talk or walk, does not mean she has no right to be given proper care and a fighting chance to live a life without pain. This attitude from the other hospital was exactly the opposite of Manipal. In Manipal, the life of a fully disabled person does not carry any value, whereas in this other hospital, every life has equal value, whether it is of a 5 year old kid, or an 60 year old immobile, speechless stroke patient. The cancer specialist took the risk, and operated on her and gave her a new lease of life, something Manipal did not even consider. Her stroke could not be treated as it was late. However, she was cured of her trauma and agony, due the specialist.

Few months later, we had to administer her an injection. The family had requested a doctor (who was a neighbour) who was associated as a junior doctor with Manipal hospital and he simply adviced (over closed door) that it is not for a doctor to give injections. A considerate input from a future doctor. Based on his advice we went to the Manipal Hospital Casuality. The duty doctor there gave a response that it is difficult to send a nurse (not even a doctor) to do that as the prescription was not from Manipal Hospital.


As soon as we asked the question about the rules in the hosiptal about requiring a prescription for treating a person at home and argued, they changed stands, and said they will see what they can do and sent a nurse. Please note that this was not a free service. They had charged for Rs.400 for admininistering an injection which took totally 5 minutes.

I am not sure which is the forum I would have to register my grievaces. I hope this is better than not registering and bringing into notice the trauma they are giving to the concerned family.

Company: Manipal Hospital
Country: India
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