Maruti Suzuki, Dezire
Arrogant Behaviour of Deale


I purchased a Swift Dezire, ZDI from M/s SK CARS, Salem, dealer code the month of Sep.2008.The trouble started at the time of delivery, when I wanted to have my new car insured with my previous insurance provider (transfer of NCB of old car). The Managing Director of the above mentioned dealership refused the same and said that I can take delivery of the vehicle only if I take the insurance policy through their tieup. After much debate and discussion with regional office Chennai I went ahead and insured the car with the Insurance per the dealer's wish.

I was absolutely satisfied with the performance of the car until it went for its First Free Service. Subsequently I noticed that I was unable to go beyond 80km/hr speed (cruise in the 5th gear) and the car used to sttuter and knock with the engine automatically shutting down and the power steering locked (imagine this scenario on a busy highway, where you could get mowed down by a speeding vehicle from behind).

This was intimated immediately to the dealer/service. My new car since Jan'09 has been to the dealer garage for rectification of the above problem nearly 6 times with the car being retained for nearly 4 days during each visit. Every time I take delivery I'm informed that the problem will never recurr and various parts like clutch sensor switch assembly, engine immobiliser etc have been replaced under instructions from Maruti Regional office Chennai.

The problem remained unsolved and the dealer has no clue to what exactly is the problem in the new vehicle which to date has done just 9000 odd kms. On 27/06/09 I took the car to the dealer for the First Paid Service and complained that the car stalls beyond speed of 80kms/hr and inspite of my numerous previous visits for the very same problem the complaint remained uncorrected.

I have always been liasoning with the senior customer service manager who has been very courteous, well this time I made it very clear that the car's problem needed to be solved in toto as I was fed up of visiting time and again.

I said that I wanted to meet the Managing Director, Mr. Muruganand.

When I started complaining to Mr. Muruganand I was shocked at his casual remark that electrical problems in the engine are bound to occur and quote unquote him"wasn't the car alright for a week after every visit? "I said"since the car is a brand new one and is in the warranty period why not replace the engine since I feel there seems to be a major unsolved problem in the engine."

He started raising his voice and started behaving in the most arrogant, uncouth way. The argument started to heat up and when I requested him to give me copies of the various job cards and complaints attended to during the various visits, so that I can approach Maruti regional office, Chennai, he started gesticulating with a pointed finger that as a customer its my responsibility to demand for the job card and take it at the time of vehicle delivery and its not his duty to place a copy of the job card in the car;please note that my car had always been delivered to me by their personnel at my place after the first 2 visits.

When I demanded that he address me with decency and treat me as a customer, he quotes"I've invested a lot for this dealership and that he wasn't my servant!! " which was uncalled for.

Being a Doctor with a good social standing I was shocked at this Arrogant, uncouth behaviour of the Managing Director of a Maruti Suzuki dealership, for a company which harps on customer satisfacton as its motto, its a serious dent to its credibility.

I discussed this issue with a couple of my friends who also opined that often this is the way the Managing Director, Mr. Muruganand behaves. Its high time that Maruti Suzuki takes serious note of his attitude and either warn him, and ask him to attend courses in HRD and instill Customer Management Skills in him.

Probably the monopoly enjoyed by this dealer in Salem is possibly a driving force for him to act in a rude, customer unfriendly manner.

I sincerely hope that such incidents do not crop up again and other Maruti customers in Salem do not go through such harrowing experince. I atleast expect an apology from him and the foremost is that the problem in my car be solved.

Company: Maruti Suzuki, Dezire
Country: India
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