Medical shope's
Fraud medical license


Hello every body,

my name is gavrav powar, i am send this msag, for my frnd mail address about pharmcy fraud license, i am pharmacist and complite my in 2year from v.v.nagar, anand, & doing a job at medical store, but i know about fraud license which made by some person for money,

they play game against pharmacist life, me and lot of pharmacist which got our deegre with respect, but some currupt person doing that type of job, thay play for our life,

i not having any problem but, which person doing only basis of that education that face problem, because richest person get degree by money and why should appoint pharmacist at her shop on payment. why should he give much payment as respect to her education,

many person give her fraud license on payment basis, thay never know about drug but he got a license and open the medical shop, with sone knowlage, and shall medecin,

for that kind of work pharmacist not affected but whole socity ware affected, how,

when unknown person who don, t know about drug and it effect, and it mod of action, thay give u drug than how u feel, i think u understand, what i am asking

pfinally my request is please do against fraud license and strictlly applied low against present of pharmacist in medical shop,


Company: Medical shope's
Country: India
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