Mittal Cotton Company
IPIN not received till today


Two and half months before i have applied for IPIN for my account no 13482790000071 but i am soory to inform you that i have not recieved my IPIN till time. also i oppened a new account no 13482320000420 with you in the same name and style and applied IPIN at the same time. i have contracted many time with your customer care services and my local branch assistants but no one can help me. all one replied by checking the status of my IPIN that your IPIN has been issued and will reach you shortly but i have been tired by going branch office daily but result is zero. i could not understand where my IPIN has been Lost. if it is true that my IPIN has been lost then i request your goodself to please make an arrangement immidiatly either to send my IPIN at my branch office or at my mailing address or issue me new IPIN. Sir, please treat my this request as very most urgent.

Company: Mittal Cotton Company
Country: India
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Denis Idiotic fellow
Denis (fraud fellow)

S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t

S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t
S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t

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