

Hi nitheesh,

we meet again.lets get everything settled once and for all.

after our last email conversation on the 8th of april you said everything will be fine and my website would be created and i will get all the details the next day.

the next day i called up and i was told that due to the elections the shop would remain closed kindly call back after some days.

i said ok….very fine i am informed atleast.

i called up the next week, the phone was not being answered by anyone.i thought the election work is not yet over!!

this continued for the entire week….note nitheesh…this is the second week!

enter week number 3…….your one number works…the other number is switched off…

no one answers the phone….no one replies to emails…..

oh yes…i received a mail from you’ll saying that ul needed my gmail adwords password!!

my question is nitheesh…why would anybody need my password!!

would you tell me ur bank atm pin number if i wanted tomorrow?

answer my question.

and yes..i already read ur above replies and i just wanted to ask you one thing nitheesh..

you said that if i dont make a minimum of rs10, 000 you will change your name..right!!

i want to ask you now nitheesh….what other name would you keep as of tomorrow?

it is really frustrating when you pay money to someone and get nothing in return.

yes, you have your numbers on your website and your own affiliate centre but what is the use when you do not reply?

you said you dont care right nitheesh…..

you will definitely start caring about it from tomorrow.

so tell me nitheesh all that you have till now is a lie.

you are a cheater nitheesh.and your company also is a fraud.

now dont message me by saying that go and complaint and you dont will care you mr fraud!!

fraud... thats what you are.what the other guy said about your company is correct. is a fraud people and so is mr.nitheesh!!

i want my money back... u fraud person...

Country: India
State: Maharashtra
City: Mumbai City
  <     >  


Pakka fraud fellow
Pakka fraud fellow

Denis Idiotic fellow
Denis (fraud fellow)

Denis Bullshit
Denis Bullshit

S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t

S T A M I N U S . N E T

Ebooktech pvt ltd
Fraud saalee

Godel Technologies
Godel Technologies is a big fraud company