New India Assurance Company
No claim discount eligibility


This is regarding a No Claim Discount that is applicable for a two wheeler. My son purchased a vehicle when he was employed in Mysore. Now that he has left for a betterment to abroad, I am using his vehicle in chennai. I am also taking necessary steps to reregister the vehicle in Tamilnadu (Chennai). As a part of the process when I wanted to renew the insurance for the vehicle at chennai, the official disallowed the eligible No claim discount quoting the reason that without the Original stamped Insurence certificate they will not be able to arrive the amount eligible.

Please let me know whether I stand a chance to claim this. Even though the value involved is very trivial, as a matter of principle I wish to know the procedure.

Company: New India Assurance Company
Country: India
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Denis Idiotic fellow
Denis (fraud fellow)

S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t

Attractiive offe

Car Insurance
Non settlement of claim

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S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t


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