Woring balance


Sub: Wrong balance shown in my Savings Account No. 10914230727

I would like to bring to your kind notice the facts given below :

Till 21 January my balance was Rs. 86726.53.

On 31 January I had tried to withdraw the money from ATM if ICICI branch of Okhla branch but could not get the money and ATM Customer Advice also.

Then (on 31 January I had withdrawan a sum of Rs. 2, 000 from ATM of Alanknanda branch of SBI. After withdrawal of money my balance should be 84726.53. ATM Customer Advice is showing balance of Rs. 82706.53.

Kindly correct the same and Rs. 2, 020 may kindly be credited to my Saving Account. Copies of the cash withdrawal are enclosed for your information.

For your kind information, I am giving below some particulars of transaction :

Customer Name - Mr. Brij Narayan Verma

Date of transaction - 31 January

Card No. - 6220180468800010547

Account No. - 10914230727

Amount of transaction Rs. 2020.00

I had already lodged the comlaint on 18 Feb. 2009 and complaint ticket number was given to me - CC-1234952031937.

Please resolve the matter as early as possible and credit of Rs. 2020 should be given to me immediately.

Company: Nil
Country: India
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