About my personnel Loan


Dear Sir,

Here V.R.Chandrashekar and my card No. 4477 4639 2608 3003. I have taken personnel loan of rs.75, 000 and paying the EMI regularly from past 6months every month Rs.2385 witin in due date (25th of erery month) This is third reminder for you. I already sent two mails to you about my complaint but no reply from you. I need expalanation for exess of Rs.6, 000 and late payment and which month I didn't paid if I show all the payments what is your reaction? Tell me whom I have to contact? If you are noto reply for this also. I have close my loan and my card by taking loan from other bank. I don't want any service in future from your side.

Thank you,


Company: Nil
Country: India
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