Noble Hospital
Theft in hospital


Mishap happened on early hour of 25/10.

I was staying in the hospital as an attendee to my grandma who was admitted in the ICU, as i got some official work to do so I took my laptop to do it during night. I was awake the whole night and duuring early momring some were around 5AM - 6:30Am my laptop got stolen from the hospital room (103), I immediately contacted the reception who told me that not to worry can see through hospital installed CCTV camera but the operator will come at 10Am only, I (I dont no why) trusted them and wainted for the concerend person to turn up. Mr Shekhar Admin. Officer came to duty around10:15AM and told as that please wait for few minutes then he will take as to the camera room but after one hour he told as that CCTv has been switched off for the past 3 days... and told us to give a written complaint to the hospital addressing G3 Police station so he will follow it. I gave the letter nad he too had forwarded to the police.

the problem here is the hospolital did not took any initiative even to call and cross check there stafff they are simply acting as if nothing has happened, I am sure it must be one of hospital staff who would have taken my laptop and they are trying to cover it up. No Proper explanation given.

I even went to police station but no action seem to have taken place.

Its not just the laptop which got missing along with it was many confiential official and personal details.

Laptop was Toshiba Satellite M14 - Accessiories, Exteranal Harddrive, chargers

PLease take the necessary steps.

Company: Noble Hospital
Country: India
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