Adbhut Jeevan Sar
Fraud Horoscope and Details


I have heard about Adbhut Jeevan Sar on TV and then I visited to their website and order a horoscope of me. They have confirmed my details and after 20 days they have sent me a packet which I was not allowed to opened before payment of 2500. When I opened the packet I found the my details were wrong instead of male the computation was done for female. I have tried to contact the courier person and the Adbhut Jeevan Sar mobile no. The courier person has refused to return my money and Jeevan Sar People were not picking up my mobile. The courier guy mobile no is 9650931902.

I wish to warn my friends they please be aware of this Fraud People Group of Adbhut Jeevan Sar they are simply taking printout from Prashar Light and distributing at the cost of 2500.

I dont know how this fraud people are allowed to come to TV channel and allowed to cheat people.

Company: Adbhut Jeevan Sar
Country: India
State: Delhi
City: North Delhi
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Pakka fraud fellow
Pakka fraud fellow

Denis Idiotic fellow
Denis (fraud fellow)

Denis Bullshit
Denis Bullshit

S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t

S T A M I N U S . N E T