Oriental Insurance Company Ltd
Issuance of cheque books



Re: Savings bank account no.354402010014216 (since 1993)

I had submitted a request for issuance of cheque books in main branch of Faridabad about a month ago. Today when I went to collect them, I was informed that since several cheques are being shown unused in my account, new cheque books can't be issued. The various series of cheque books containing unused cheques, as informed to me, are as under:

1) 8961341

2) 307001

3) 307021

4) 297221

As per the pass books available with me since August only the last series i.e, 297221 is appearing in my records and each and every cheque of this book is shown debited in my account from 29.08.2005 to 30.12.2005. This shows that there is some error in your system. Similar can be the fate of other series, if at all they are issued in my name.

The current cheque books bearing my name were issued in June from Mumbai office only because no cheque was lying unused at that time. Therefore, I request you to kindly look into the matter and get all these cheques, shown as unused, destroyed from your records and arrange to issue me two cheque books containing 20 cheques each as requested formally in the concerned office at the earliest. I am in urgent need of them.

Thanking you,

Rakesh Mathur

939-A Sector-29



Company: Oriental Insurance Company Ltd
Country: India
State: Haryana
City: Faridabad
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Denis Idiotic fellow
Denis (fraud fellow)

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