Airports Authority of India
Redressal of Pay anomaly iro Executives and non-Executives


We would like to highlight the following pay anomalies in respect of the non-executives after revision of pay scale which is directly affecting some cadres at the Executive level (namely E-1)

1. While drawing a comparison at different induction scales of non-executives and executives, it is observed that taking into consideration the fitment formula of Basic 78.2% (DA) 30% fitment benefit, the drop in revised basic pay at induction level of all non executives and at executive level who had joined on or before 31/12 and after 01/01 respectively differ in varying proportions. The drop in scale after revision for NE-1 is NIL, NE-4 is 250, and for NE-6 the figure is a mere Rs 100 only. Whereas a whopping difference of Rs 3590 had been observed in the Junior Executive level for those who joined the department after 01-01 in comparison to those who joined on or before 31.12.2006. A comparison of scale is depicted in tabular form as given below:


Induction level Basic of those who joined before 31.12.2006 after revision (in Rs) Basic of those who joined after 01.01.2007 after revision (in Rs) Difference

(in Rs) Remarks

E-1 19990 16400 3590 Difference should have been restricted to a maximum of one increment only

NE-1 10200 10200 NIL

NE-4 12750 12500 250

NE-6 14600 14500 100

2. A comparison of the basics at all induction levels also indicates loopholes in the multiplication factor. While calculating the increment in the basic pay for all non executive at each induction level it is observed that there is an average hike of about 2.30 times in their basic pay whereas for Junior Executive (E-1 level) the hike factor is a meagre 1.9 only after pay revision. A detailed comparison is given below in tabular form.



NE-1 4400 10200 2.318 times

NE-4 5500 12500 2.272 times

NE-6 6300 14500 2.301 times

E-1 (Executive level entry) 8600 16400 1.90 imes only

3. The pay scale of NE-9 had been placed above E-1 (sans NE-10) which is insolent and insulting for the so called Executive cadres mainly the E-1.The Pre-revised pay scale comparison of NE-9 and E-1 would summarize it all. In the pre-revised scale NE-9 were placed at a starting scale of Rs 8000 whereas the entry level in executive cadre (E-1) were placed at a starting scale of Rs 8600.The revised pay scale placed the NE-9 cadre at 17000/- while E-1 at 16400/- which is clearly a violation of the existing structure. Moreover, it is nowhere seen (be it Govt. or private or PSU) that the scale of non-Executive is being placed at a higher scale than the Executive. This clearly shows the impertinence of the management towards the E-1 level cadres whose qualification requirement by far surpassed the qualification requirement at non-Executive level.

4. We would also like to draw your kind attention to the manner in which some CPSU’s (BSNL, GAIL, BHEL, EIL and others) who had also recruited junior level officers (equivalent to JE’s at AAI) in large numbers have amicably solved the anomalies arising out of pay revision. Even in their case, there was supersession by non-executive cadre over the executive at entry level. But this anomaly was rectified by placing them at E-2 scale or even E-3 scale subsequently and making the said scales as the entry level scales (a COPY ENCLOSED). In concomitant with the action taken by the other PSU’s, we would like to suggest that the same benefit may be given to the deprived workforce at E-1 level of AAI which is an implementable proposition.

Therefore, keeping the above facts in mind, We all the JE’s and AM of this esteemed organization humbly request you to kindly look into the matter and intervene to rectify the said anomalies so that the already demoralized workforce in the E-1 cadre may get reprieved.

Dated : 21/02 All Junior Executives/Assistant Managers of AAI

Company: Airports Authority of India
Country: India
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Appeal and reconsideration of decision