Alagappa university
Non Receipt of Original degree certificate


I am a student of Anjuman Islam A.K.Hafizka College of hospitality and catering Manageemnt.

I have completed the three year graduate degree program offered by Alagappa University thru this Collage.

I have passd the exam in june and college has issued zerox copy of provisional cert and mark sheet to us. Student Number 05110377.

However i urgently require original certificate and mark sheet to get admission to PG course.

I do not understand the problem of not giving the same. I am ready to pay money, if they want, although I paid my college Rs. 1150 to get certificate.

In this way this university is ruining the carrear of youg people like me. They have executive council having big degrees. Controller of exam Mr. Manickvasagam is Doctrate, however these highly educated bunch of people are not sensetive to the problem of students. Are they only there to collect the money?

I have sent several grieviance forms by e mail / fax but may be staff is poor in understanding English language, they have not replied the same.

Please! Please!! Please!!! issue my certificate and dont ruin my carreer and 3 lakhs of money, I have spent in last three years.

Niraj Pradhan Mobile 09820446178

Company: Alagappa university
Country: India
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Alagappa university
Eply to complaints

Harassing students, cheating


Madurai Kamraj University
NOConsolidated Final Mark statement, Course Completion Certificate, Provisional Certificate and Degree Certificate

Alagappa university
Wonders of Alagappa University

ICICI Direct / Demat Account
Pathetic service & commitment from last one and half yrs for activating my account

Demat Service
Pathetic Service, commitments and one and half yr delay in re activation of Demat account

ICFAI University

Alagappa university

M.K.M Indian Institute of Management, E-6, RIICO Industrial area, Sitapura, Jaipur
Results, marksheet and degree stopped by DDE, GJUS&T, Hisar due to faults of above study center and university re-demanding fee Rs.14300/- from me