Deiva Subbiah []
Sending False Information About Religion And Other Countries

Newspapers & Magazines

This guy named "Deiva Subbiah []" was / is sending unwanted mails regarding the religion... "All Muslims are not Terrorists, but all Terrorists are Muslims. 60% of all victims of Muslim terrorism are Muslims."

Also he states that, "Hindus - 1, 280 Religious Books, 10, 000 Commentaries, more than one lakh sub-commentaries for these foundation books, 330 million gods, variety of Aacharyas, thousands of Rishies, hundreds of languages... "

Hindus never quarreled with each other for the last ten thousand years in the name of religion." It means that he is saying all Muslims do... And According to his mail... "The American attack on the Muslim land of Iraq is fully supported by all the Muslim countries surrounding Iraq! "

Company: Deiva Subbiah []
Country: India
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