Get-it Yellow Pages
Salary not paid since 1.5 years

Newspapers & Magazines

I Basavarahjeswari P, was an employee of Get-It Yellow Pages (Publishing division). I quit this company in Feb. At the time of leaving i was told that my salary final settlement would be settled by direct credit to bank account but that is not happened till now. I had approched local HR and my managers several times and visited the office too... but everytime i get the same answer as it would take 15 days and we will inform you once we get the check. Now the local HR who was taking care of my case has also quit and the new HR is not aware about the case and asking me call up Mumbai office and check. Please take stern action so that my case is resolved and the same thing is not repeated in future.

Company: Get-it Yellow Pages
Country: India
State: Karnataka
City: Bangalore
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