Politics & Government

Dear Sir,

This is CA.Mrs Pallavi Shirvatkar. Daily i travel to Ballard Estate from Churchgate Station. For this i need to cross few hurdles such as Share Taxis which keep coming from all possible directions & frustrated BEST drivers.

Today morning i was looking out for taxi (not a share taxi) to go to Ballard Estate. as usual i was trying hard to manage these two main hurdles on the road i.e. making my own way to save myself from share taxis & BEST buses. There is a Bus Stop nearby. Today 138 No BEST Bus driver who was coming towards the Bus Stop drove the Bus so fast & rash that for few seconds i felt may be this is the last moment of my life. when i tried stoping him he started shouting. BEST Bus No 138 Vehicle No. MH01-L-6486 Time 9.45 in the morning.

When i enquired about lodging complaint against him to few people, they replied that Traffice police can't control them & share taxis pay regular "HAFTTA" to Police. so nobody will entertain your complaint.

Sir, can there be any solution to such problems?

I think in India we really don't care about human beings. So what few people die in such kind of accidents. can't there be any discipline?

Cell No 9820669952


Company: BEST
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
City: Mumbai City
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