No Roads

Politics & Government

Compliant for Road Damaged for past 6months in Cuddalore District

When school vans met accident then Govt says accident happens mostly by unlicensed driver, unauthorized vehicle.

It's not true,

The Main Reason for accident for past 6 months happened by damaged roads only...

In our area, Roads are dogged for drainage plan... but still the roads not maintained in state...

We don't like to these things to force on public.

Already Tamil Nadu Govt forced "bigger expense" on people life... Now the roads...

What a Govt we have we proud of the DMK govt. Hats Off.

List of Good Things in DMK period.

1. Power (Electric)

2. Roads

3. Increased food product expenses

4. Bribe

5. Crime

6. Doing Free Offer...(if they give employment it's good to life) Who want just oneday free offer... See we collect free offer but not vote them..

Be appreciate for next election

Company: Govt
Country: India
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Andheri east roads and traffic are disgusting. Andheri kurla road is abyssmal

Andheri East Municipal Management

Dug up road, heaps of mud: Life is worst than hell

Mumbai/India Roads
Make the roads PERFECT

Gpowertechnologies genuine company
Eal genuine bpo company in india

Pasvak committee (Rural Education Development Committee) Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan
Pasvak Committee hotch potch lakhs of rupees

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd
Harassment by Maruti Sucks Masters