M.V. enterprises, Avadi, Chennai- Indane Gas agency
Delay in supply of Gas Cylinde

Politics & Government


I am a customer of Indane gas at Avadi, Chennai with M.V. Enterprises and my Customer no. is 40402.

It is a regular practice of agency to supply gas at least after 30-35 days after getting it booked. Right from the beginning the cylinder supply is always delayed and we are really fighting to get the supply even after a period of 30 days. The agency books a cylinder for refilling after 21 days of delivering a cylinder. But even after booking, they say that we will take that into our account for billing only after 4 days. As such it takes about 40 to 50 days to get a cylinder refilled. Sometimes it takes about two months for refilling a cylinder.

It has been noticed that agency sells the refilled cylinders in black market. The phone at dealers place is always busy or even if they pick the call, they will give a poor response. I daily walk to their place in person and fighting with them, atlast they say "if you want cylinder, go to the cylinder godone and catch your line man there".

Please find the details below of last 3 months of cylinder supply;

Date of Delivery of Gas Cylinder lastly Date of Booking after completion of 21 days Received Date of Cylinder Date of delayed delivery after booking Total Time slot taken

21.01.2010 26.02.2010 25.03.2010 30 Days 61 Days

25.03.2010 19.04.2010 21.05.2010 32 Days 56 Days

21.05.2010 12.06.2010

I am really writing this letter to you with the last hope I have. I am really depressed with this problem faced by us everyday at our life here.

I request you to kindly inquire and ensure that the supply from M.V. Enterprises is regularized as per the norms.

Thanks and Regards,

Kirubakaran. A.

Company: M.V. enterprises, Avadi, Chennai- Indane Gas agency
Country: India
State: Tamil Nadu
City: Chennai
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