Not Received the Ration Card / Kerosine Oil Card
Not Received the Ration Card / Kerosine Oil Card

Politics & Government


My Name is Dhananjay Singh, S/o Sri Ram Singh, resident of Village & Post Gidha, Police Station Koelwar, District: Bhojpur (Ara), Its been around 5 years when we selected our Mukhiya (Anil Kumar Singh, Gidha Gram Panchayat), Since then no kerosine oil is distributed to us. Even we did not received the Ration card also. We are said that Kerosine Oil and Ration Cards are not for Rajputs. Government is not distributing these things in forward casts. I know I should had to complain earlier But I did not live in my village. I am a working professional and did not find time to go there and run for these things. These type of complaints take more time to process. But now one of my friend suggest me the idea of this site to complain. I hope this works.

Thanks & Regards,

Dhananjay Singh

Vill Post: Gidha

Police Station: Koelwar

Distt: Bhojpur (Ara)

Company: Not Received the Ration Card / Kerosine Oil Card
Country: India
State: Bihar
City: Bhojpur
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Food & civil supplies Dept. Govt. of NCR Delhi
Ration Misappropriation

Food & civil supplies Dept. Govt. of NCR Delhi
Ration Misappropriation

Mango Steel Partition Technical Works, LLC
Job Offe

Eriez MBe India Limited
Ration card

Non-Issuance of kerosine-Reg

Selling Kerosineillegally