Passport office, chennai
Irrespectful, negligence, irresponsible, (corruption invovled too)

Politics & Government

Respected sir,

It is very much dis appointing to see how people interact and respond to the common man in passport office, Chennai. Today, i have experienced it myself. I and my sister came to submit the proof of emergency for urgent passport requirement. They forwarded us to the second floor room no 4, to meet an officer named Murali. we have not even entered the room, and asked him whether the proof of emergency is sufficient enough, he just replied move out and come tomorrow. As we are coming from distant place, it would be difficult if they reject the proof which we asked him check. (he just spoke a single word, "move out") he replied that we are irritating him. then we left as my sister crying because of the way they showed negligence on us and irresponsibility to respond to the citizen.

we too were waiting outside to let her get back to normal after too much cry. Mean time, i came to register a complain to (Mr. K.S. Daulat Thameem, Deputy Passport Officer.) in his room, but the security asked us for recommendation card to let us in or appointment, we asked him we are there to register a complain. He told us to move to (Shri. K. Rukmangathan, Deputy Passport Officer). we met him and told everything, he again forwarded us back to Mr. K.S.Daulat. Then, The same officer (Murali, room no 4) came outside and asked the security to send us both out of the passport office (he said the reason as we are not the applicant). I was looking for higher officials than present in the office to register complain, but not able to meet any. we left very much anger because of the government officials treat people.

I wish you may take stringent action against this officer Murali (room no 4) for negligence, irresponsibility, irrespectful and lot more to be added, i have forwarded this mail to authorities of passport office in New Delhi and also to consumer court officials. The same is experienced even in the enquiry counter sir.

Expecting a good response from you sir, (as that the action is taken against the concerned officer)


Company: Passport office, chennai
Country: India
State: Tamil Nadu
City: Chennai
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