Passport Office Pune
Delayed passport issuance

Politics & Government

Dear Sir,

I submitted my Passport Application form on 17-08. My File Ref. No. is PNE-P032046-10. After 30 days my inquiry is completed by Police Department (Sanghwai Police Station, Pune and Misrod Police station, Bhopal). On website everyday I am seeing my status but still it shows status as Your application is in process. If I contacted on Telephone Nos., I am not getting any response. So more than 6 months are already passed.

I have written passport office pune so many times not receive and mail response and telephone also. I lost two on-site opportunity from my employer and now my job is also is in question mark due to non-availability of passport

I really disappointed with the service and process, waiting to contact me as soon as pos and issue my passport at the earliest will b highly appreciated. IF U REALLY CARES FOR CUSTOMER SATISFACTION.

I hope that you can understand my problem and help me. Please do not neglect this mail like my all previous emails.




Company: Passport Office Pune
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
City: Pune
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