Club Mahindra

Recreation & Entertainment

During taking the membership I have clearly asked the executive regarding the cancellation policy. Though she was not ready to explain in details. Still I insisted and she told me that my enrollment starts when I get the membership details. Without the membership details no one could be a member of the club mahindra. I was also convinced with her as there was a 10 days of period to cancel the membership and without any membership ID how could I be able to cancel the membership by calling the customer care. It was pretty convincing. The welcome call came after 10 days of my discussion with the Club Mahindra Executive. I received a mail with my membership number on 14th April and I request for the cancellation on 19 by calling the Club Mahindra customer care. The Customer care was happily took my request, but the Delhi office is not ready to refund my money. It is already 6 month they are not refunding my money. I had at least 20-30 times of discussion with Delhi team, customer care and cooperate office, but no result. They are not ready to refund the money. They are giving the reason it is after 10 days of my payment. This is surprise after having two types of condition from the sales executive and the current customer care. I have not received any of their service and as per my understanding with the sales team I have cancelled the membership within 10 days of receiving of the mail.

Ideally they should give refund even after 10 days of the membership if the customer has not avail any of their service, Otherwise it is against the corporates ethics. Also they should not keep the customer in dark while giving the membership. If they really serious about the condition, they should spell out and recheck with the costumer during the welcome call. Unless the welcome call and member details has not been sent to the customer, all the condition mentioned by the CM should not hold good. My membership id is 1829968 and one of the complaint number is 02-343-693

of Also if my enrollment started on 31st Mar, why there was need for any welcome confirmation, without this one would be a member automatically anyway and there was no rollback? So I strongly feel that there is big confusion between clause 6.1 and the explanation by club mahindra sales executive.

Apart from this if my money has taken on 31st March why I was not given any membership immediately, without which I would not be able to visit any holiday home. That mean it is not in good practice of any company to take the money first and give the membership after 14 days.

Also if you still feel the enrollment starts on 31st then why it was not mentioned in the welcome call that the cancellation can not be done after this.

Company: Club Mahindra
Country: India
State: Haryana
City: Gurgaon
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