Club Mahindra Holidays & Resorts India Limited
Cancellation and refund not allowed within 10 days

Recreation & Entertainment

Cancellation request (transaction details given below):

1) We signed up for and payed a 10% down payment for Club Mahindra holidays on 24 Oct. The Credit card transaction for the down payment of Rs. 26, 570 was processed around 18:25 p.m. of 24 Oct.

2) Immediately after the representative left our residence, my mother informed us of a call whereby my father needs money for multiple surgeries to his eyes and for cysts. We are a newly engaged couple (legally married, but church marriage pending) and are building our home - with the home loan EMI, home expenses, and our basic minimum monthly savings, we could only just afford the membership we paid for. We would not be able to support my father also.

3) So we immediately called back the Club Mahindra representative Arsheen Khan and explained the situation. She put us on call with her supervisor Mr. Jayant Ramaswamy. He tried his best to convince us that we should continue with 3 EMI payments and then discontinue - but there is no way we can afford this. So we requested him to please cancel the membership and refund our money. As per clause 6 of their Terms and Condition, within 10 days of down payment we are allowed to withdraw the membership application and are entitled to a full refund of the fees paid towards membership. And that we should give this request in writing. They have not informed where we should send this request in writing and the representative Arsheen and Jayant refused to accept the written request.

4) Mr. Jayant and Ms. Arsheen then informed us that: since they gave us a sign on gift (which we neither asked for and did NOT specifically request for) we are now under some Special Membership package and the terms and conditions in the membership form that we signed are not entirely applicable to us - i.e. the termination clause is not applicable to us. And they have refused to cancel the membership and refund our amount. Further they have told us that the only way we can close this membership is by paying 3 months EMI - and after that applying for a cancellation of membership. This is not documented anywhere

5) We do not believe what they have told us. We are legally bound only by the paper we signed and the terms and conditions on that paper is what is applicable to us. How can they apply some other rules to us. They took our money by committing what we signed and agreed to on that application form.

6) We want our money back - it is our hard earned money. We need that money - it is only a matter of bad timing and losing out on that sale for them. For us it is the start of our life. How can I even enjoy a holiday that I cannot afford and why should I pay for it. To pay them in our helpless situation and still support my father's surgery, I will have to work overtime along with my husband for the next year. What holiday will I enjoy then?

7) Please note that nowhere have they given us or informed us during the demo of what is the breakup of this down payment of Rs. 26, 570. As a consumer, I have not used any thing about this service. I have not enjoyed or availed a single benefit from Club Mahindra. The only effort they have put in is a sales demo initiated by them on their own - that too they persistently called my office number and convinced us to allow them to come and meet - PLUS she was late by 2.5 hours and requested us to meet with her since she came from Panvel to Kandivli. And thereafter she spent 15 mins filling the form and getting our moeny debited from the credit card. Surely we should not be charged any large processing fee of 40% or 60% for this? We have not consumed anything here.

8) I have been unable to sleep or eat since then - and then I read this forum. We have asked Mr. Jayant to meet us tomorrow at 11am - he said he has some Navi Mumbai meeting and will meet us only at 3:30 pm at his office in Solitaire Park. After reading this post we are sure he will continue to delay the matter until 10 days are over. We will send a mail by an expensive courier to Chennai tomorrow morning so we get a proof of delivery and my husband, the co-applicant will submit the letter in hand tomorrow to Mr. Jayant or whichever representative he meets at Club Mahindra office and will try to reason with them. But we are very scared that we will lose our hard-earned money.

9) We have learned our lesson. Now on we will only deal in cheques and will never go for a scheme until we decide for a week. If we lose out on some stupid free gift offer so be it.

10) Can someone please please please help us get our money back ASAP. I need to pay for my father's surgery next week. I can take a loan this month - but will need to pay it back - and for that I need my money. I cannot pay the hospital bill and the Club Mahindra down payment bill and my home loan EMI at the same time - we are hard-working middle-class people. This is so wrong - we are within the 10 day cancellation grace period and Mr. Jayant Ramaswamy is mis-informing us that it is not applicable to us. I'm sure after 10 days we will be able to do nothing. And before that he will keep on making us dance around. After reading all these reviews I am so scared. Please help us.

Transaction details:

1) We, Josceline Anne Mascarenhas D'Costa (Mrs. Josceline D'Costa) and Mr. Glenn D'Costa purchased a Club Mahindra Membership (White Season - Studio) package on 24 October.

2) The Credit Card transaction for a 10% down payment of Rs. 26, 570.00 was initiated by the Club Mahindra Representative (Arsheen Khan, Executive Sales) who visited our home for a demo.

3) She also collected a cancelled cheque from us for deduction of EMI of Rs. 6, 777.00 - which will be started from November as per her verbal communication, and will continue for a period of 48 months

4) In addition to the above transaction, she informed us that since we were among the first 25 to sign up for the deal, we had been awarded sign-on gifts of a Sony Bravia 22' color TV, and some additional domestic and international vacation days a Rs.5000 food voucher.

Company: Club Mahindra Holidays & Resorts India Limited
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
City: Mumbai Suburban
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