235 litre O-ZONE Frost Free Electrolux-Kelvinator Refrigerator
Poor Service and blackmailing of local service representatives/agents

Shops & Trade

M/s Electrolux India.

Dear Sir,

The undersigned purchased one 235 litre O-ZONE Frost Free Electrolux-Kelvinator Refrigerator from M/s Kamalia & Sons at Ranchi at a total price of Rs 11800/- on 26.11.2004 vide cash memo no. 337/04-05 dated 26.11.2004. After, purchasing the Refrigerator, the undersigned had to suffer a series of harassments in the hand of your local authorised service centre M/s N.K.Electricals& Refrigeration due to frequent breakdown of the machine which are described below :

1) In the month of october, the refrigerator stopped functioning and when local authorised service centre - M/s N.K.Electricals& Refrigeration was contacted their mechanic checked and indicated that Evaporator of Refrigerator was damaged and it needed replacement. They said since the warranty period for the whole machine was only one year which had expired, the undersigned will have to pay the total charge. They took away the machine for ten days and when they returned the machine, after repairing, they charged the undersigned Rs 1830.60/ vide their Bill no.1391 dated 18.10.2006. Again within a week the undersigned noticed that lower portion (Refrigertor was two doors type) of Refrigertor was not getting cooled. Hence, the authrised service centre was again contacted and their mechanic again came and indicated that Bi-metal element for defrosting arrangement was to be replaced which would cost Rs 275/-.The mechanic replaced the item and the undersigned had to pay the said amount. Even with the replacement of Bi-metal the lower portion of the Refrigertor was not getting cooled, so tthe mechanic again came and indicated that timer is to be changed which would cost Rs 550/-. The mechanic changed the timer but with that change also, the machine was not functioning properly, the machine was making some sound which was not present when the Refrigertor was purchased. Also, both side of the Refrigertor were not getting warmed equally. After, this incident, the undersiged was forced to lodge a complain to the corporate office of M/s Electrolux, India, and due to their timely intervention, the machine was repaired properly and the undersiged had paid the corresponding expenses at the request of you’re the then Regional Manager Shri Rajesh Sharma who assured that no such breakdown will occur in future.

2) Again, the machine was down on 21.06. local authorised service centre - M/s N.K.Electricals & Refrigeration was contacted who after checking the machine declared that the evaporator was damaged and the gas has leaked out. For repairing the machine they took the machine away and after lot of persuasion they retuned the machine only after twelve days and charged Rs 1600/-.The undersigned tried to contact your Regional Manager Shri Rajesh Sharma but since he was out of station, he could not be contacted and the undersigned had to pay the total money.

3) The machine was again down recently on 24.04.2008.The machine was running but not getting cooled properly so the undersigned contacted Shri Bobby of local authorised service centre - M/s N.K.Electricals & Refrigeration who sent one mechanic Erphan who after checking told the undersiged that there was no problem with evaporator, the machine was not cooling due to leaking of gas. The undersiged indicated that there was no oily liquid near the gas pipe how he was telling that the gas had leaked. To this he told the undersigned that for checking properly from where gas was leaking, the machine had to be taken to their workshop. The undersigned had no other alternative but to agree to their proposal. The next day i.e. on 25.04. the mechanic had taken the machine away and till today i.e even after 10 days, the machine has not been returned to the undersiged after repairing. When the owner of local authorised service centre - M/s N.K.Electricals & Refrigeration- Shri Bobby was contacted he informed the undersigned that Rs 1600 has to be paid since the evaporator was damaged and gas had leaked out. The undersigned tried to remind him that his mechanic had told that there was no problem with the evaporator then how come he was telling that evaporator was damaged and that had to be replaced. To this Shri Bobby told the undersigned that his mechanic does not know anything and if the undersigned did not agree to pay the total money, he could take away the refrigerator knowing fully well the helpless condition of the undersigned. Since there was no alternative, the undersigned had to surrender to his blackmailing. But even after agreeing to his proposal, he has not returned the refrigerator after repairing, till date.

Under the situation stated above the following questions arises in the mind of the undersigned:

1. Why M/s Electrolux, India has failed to provide genuine service to their customers? Why they are forcing their customers to submit to the blackmailing of their local service centres?

2. What type of Refrigerator machines they are selling to the innocent people like us who even after paying higher price (in comparison to the prices of the refrigerator machines of your competitors) are subjected to series of harassments and sufferings due to the frequent breakdowns of your machines?

3) Even the local representatives/Regional Managers are also hands in gloves with your local authorised service centre and turn deaf ear to the genuine problems of your customers. Since your the then Regional Manager Shri Rajesh Sharma was requested in the year 2006 to replace the machine which seemed to be defective from the very beginning other wise how it could break down so frequently within a span of only two years from the purchase? To this he turned a deaf ear to the problem of the undersigned, simply repeated the statement of authorised service agent. and gave a false assurance that there would be no problem in future.

Hence, the undersigned is requesting you to take immediate action and replace the Refrigertor with a new one immediately. Please, also indicate by return e-mail what action you are taking against M/s N.K.Electricals who are resorting to blackmailing of your customers like me.

If the undersigned (who is posted as Deputy General Manager in MECON Ltd) does not get a favourable response from your end then he willl have to flash it in the Newspapers and tell his friends not to purchase any of your products.

A speedy action from your side will be highly solicited.

Mukut Roy,

Qr. No. K-109, Shyamali Colony, Doranda, Ranchi-834002, INDIA, TEL NO.0651-2411723, Mobile 09934355496/09470193779

Company: 235 litre O-ZONE Frost Free Electrolux-Kelvinator Refrigerator
Country: India
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