Dr. Ayurveda Body growth formula

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Money back

Respected Sir,

I ordered the product “Dr. Ayurveda Advanced Herbal Body Growth” after watching tele-shopping advertisement of “World Class Services”.

I understood its policies and found it trustworthy. I requested them to deliver the product on 22 June but they delivered it on 20 June .. After using the product for a for 28 days no effect of product is found in my body growth. They told me that within 1 month 2-3 Inch height will increase.

When I complained about it to customer care contact numbers given by the company and requested for money back as per the policy of company. Exactly on the 28th day, which was 18 July I tried infinite times from 9am to 7pm to get my complain ID, address for product back & know the procedure for returning the product. Though I tried making 20-25 calls on every no. given by them but I did not get it. Next day, which was 19th July I repeated this pattern again but each time, either my call was not received. On 20th July received my call, after talking to me for 10-15 minutes I was given another phone no. & told to repeat the whole procedure & receive complain ID from the person on that contact no. After saying this they disconnected the call. Then again I call them that time they said that the complaint should be registered before completionof 30 days. I told them that i am calling from 18th july. But they said that now we cant give you money back.

Again I call them on 21 July again they didnt registered my complaint. then again on 22 july again i call them they either they are not receiving my call or not registering the complaint.

At lasted On 23 July they registered my complaint and not giving my money back (i.e Rs 3450).

I have not been given a satisfactory response by them on this matter. Please consider my prayer & take it into account as soon as possible. Provide me appropriate help.

With whole faith

Priya Patil

Company: Dr. Ayurveda Body growth formula
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
City: Jalgaon
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