HP Gas/lakshmi vaishnavi enterprises
Non supply of gas refills

Shops & Trade

Ref: Gas consumer No.807214


I am to submit inspite booking gas in time no refill is being supplied at least once in 30 or more days.

First of all the phones No.04027007203, 04027007204 and 04027007205 show always busy or recorded message that the number you are calling is presently busy and no response is received. When personally the agency office is visited the record and unless we are behind to follow they never supply even after one month.

Last month I booked the refill on 20.01.2011 under booking No. 1041 but so far I am unable to get the refill and when reminded they asking as to when I booked the same.

I am having one and only one cylinder and I will be forced to cook on wood or coal.

I Registered for one extra cylinder vide Registration No.1525 dated 13.12.2010 but I unable to get that also.

I request you to take action to immediate supply of the refill now and also to rectify this difficulty and make secured supplied of the refills in time atleast once in a month.

My suggestion is every Registered Household should be supplied without booking keeping in mind the urgency and need of the consumers. This is only to those who Register to get monthly or who are needed monthly.

It is painful that to note that unless we wait in queue we would not get anything and this in itself is wrong and against Human Rights. Without fullfilling this no government can be called a successful government.

Yours faithfully

sarwar sharief

Company: HP Gas/lakshmi vaishnavi enterprises
Country: India
State: Andhra Pradesh
City: Hyderabad
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