Reebok Shoes
Fraud commitment for 6 month

Shops & Trade

I bought a Reebok sports shoe (Style code : 1-142209) from a Reebok show room (Franchisee: freeganj ujjain) 2 months back, on 3/3/10. It started ripping off within 2 months of use and that too using it only for office work.

When I showed this to the shopkeeper

he behave in a roody way and told me do wht you want

but at the time of selling he commit me for 6 month replacement warrenty

and now he is telling that he told me this statemnd by-mistake

thnk u


Er. Varun kumavat

Company: Reebok Shoes
Country: India
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Pakka fraud fellow
Pakka fraud fellow

Denis Idiotic fellow
Denis (fraud fellow)

Denis Bullshit
Denis Bullshit

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