Bharati airtel
Airtel service spoiled my business and reputation in the market


Dear Sir,

Sub: airtel service spoiled my business and reputation in the market

We have taken Airtel Combo pack connection in the month of JAN, have paid the 10000rs has a security deposit for PRI connection, on monthly rental of 15000rs, for the same 10000 free calls monthly, since our call charges are not coming up to the level of 10000rs free calls we were using only around 4 to 5000 calls only, even later that has been reduced, so we have called Airtel area account manager Mr. Parameshwar praveen to our office for suggestion we have called his mobile number 9972147635, he told us that he is busy so he has sent some planes to our accountant mail id though his official mail id Bandwidth. and also the same mail has been CC to, after receive the plane mail, we ware communicating with Mr. Praveen over his cell phone and we requested for BIZ6666 plane, since we have not received any proper response we have sent a request mail on 29/06 for plane migration, to Mr. praveen, for the same he called has and told that your plane change is under prose’s and this will be applicable from July month billing cycling, after few days we have received July month Bill as same as old plane, since we have not paid the June month bill to the total outstanding was showing 30000 around, we have called him he sad that please you pay the bill of June Only before that I will rectify the Plane change and why the bill has come as like old, he as requested for DD quick prose’s we have given DD also to them, the after nothing communication has happened from they end, we have sent may remainder mail to Mr. Parameshwar, we have not got a single replay from his end, since the days was going we have sent a mail to customer care, they replied as that they have not received any request from our end for plane migration, we have sent them all the mails which ever we have sent to they customer care and account manager, being like this Airtel people have disconnected our phone incoming and outgoing, but my bad time was that I have sent 2lac SMS promotion on 17/08/10 the same day by 11am our call got disconnected, I suppose receive a calls from our customer, when they calling auto response that is the customer your called all they incoming calls have been barred, for the same we have requested like anything for activation since we have placed add, we have told that also we can solve all issue but 1st activate calls nothing has happened they not even they have responded properly.

Even according to our old plane our outstanding suppose to only 30000rs around, but they are telling 45000rs since we have paid cash, they telling they have no any update for the cash paid, but we have all the receipts.

We have sent mail no response from they end.

We have sent reminder mails no response from they end.

They have not sent latest outstanding bill for us.

They have no proper updates of accounts which we have paid.

Before disconnection they suppose to send a mail, call, or at list SMS mentioning about outstanding, or disconnection, nothing has come from the end.

I have spent 80000rs from my SMS and other promotion marketing, I was not able to get incoming calls, due to they mistakes. Not only that if even I do any other promotion later people will not response for my promotion and they have be having trust on my brand, because incoming is barred menace it’s totally gone, which customer will believe such a company even I won be believing then how come I can expect from other.

So my lord am a very small person, to go dome thing in my file somehow I have arranged some money and doing business, because of Airtel irresponsible I have lost my business, to recover this I don’t know what and how long I have wait. Please consider all my problems do the need full, the way your judgment suppose to be in future like me no one should not suffer, and I have sent this mail to few of media as well NGOS, for my better support.


Vincent Bernard.


Next Generation schooling Pvt Ltd.


Bangalore – 560003




Company: Bharati airtel
Country: India
State: Karnataka
City: Bangalore
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