Blackberry -8520



I purchased a Blackberry -8520 from Sangeetha, Bangalore, in early July with insurance. From the day of purchase, the hand set starts malfunctioning as following:

1. Battery backup

2. Getting hot

3. Headphone problem

4. And some others

Immediately I tried to contact the outlet (Sangeetha). But unfortunately, no one lifted the call on the phone no provided in the Sangeetha invoice. Being failure to contact for 15 days, I searched internet to get alternate phone no of the outlet and when I contacted them ultimately, instead of providing proper servicing centre, they misguided me.

After one month of treble, I got Redington India Ltd’s (the servicing centre) address and in early Aug, I visited their office with my handset. Redington took the handset and suggest me to wait for 12-15 working days to get beak probably the repaired handset.

But after one month Redington returned me a (so called new) hand set.

It was working for few month and I installed Gmail plug-in and instant messenger downloading from Blackberry website. Also I subscribed Blackberry internet (email and messaging) services.

in Dec the handset again started the same problem with more severity and I again went to Redington. They took the phone and in Jan they gave another handset informing me that the given set to me is a serviced one.

I asked whether it’s a serviced one or replaced, they did not give a satisfactory answer. But what I can see, it’s a different handset and is not mine and not good at al and operating system and many other things are old.

I tried to open the Gmail and instant messenger in this (new) handset. Although I could activate Gmail (after several try and continuously consulting with the service provider), Gmail plug-in is not in the set and I need to download now from Blackberry server so the instant messenger too (that were there in my submitted handset to Redington). And to download I need Wi-Fi that is not in my subscription from my provider. Therefore I am not able to use these services.


1. For new set, we always purchase screen guard and may other accessories (that are sometimes is not easy to de-touch from the handset) to keep the physical condition of handset good. If every time I get a different set, I have to again purchase such accessories again, and who will pay the cost?

2. As there is no clarity from Redington whether the given handset to me is a replaced or serviced one and as I am sure it’s not my given set and the hand set in second time also giving the same problem, I suspect that instead of providing proper services, they are just interchanging handsets among customers those who are giving handsets for servicing.

3. As I am not interested to subscribe the Wi-Fi service, now how do I download Gmail plug-in and messenger? Who will pay the cost for Wi-Fi activation? Who will compensate the money that I have spent for subscription of Blackberry email and messaging services when I was not able to use the set and was with servicing station?

4. We purchase smart phone for very important uses and we rely on the set so we store important information. If within 6 months, the brand Blackberry gave such problem and within this 6 months period, one and half months, the handset was with the servicing station, what the value of this brand and why we will keep faith on this brand?

5. How does Blackberry will compensate the harassment I have faced from all corners?

6. I can’t rely now on the handset that I have received now. I suspect that it will give the same problem within few days or months and I have to again spend a huge effort to get a similar serviced handset. I am also not sure how long such drama will continue? Therefore I don’t want to continue with Blackberry any more. So how to get rid of this mesh? The Blackberry must take back the handset and refund me the entire money.

7. Who and how will compensate the time wastage and harassment I faced for such problem?

Company: Blackberry -8520
Country: India
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