Tata Broadband
Fraud & cheating!


I Am a Software Engineer and hence do know all the technical know hows... so whatever I write, I do understand. I got this connection in 20th August (a week later than what it was committed - here you go with the first cheating, when the connection has not yet started).

After a couple of days of usage, the connection went down as the DSL link would not respond. I talked to the dealer and he confirmed that 6 DP Boxes were down in the area. I kept complaining to 60607070 (tata customer care). They always had excuses and promises but never an answer (Second - Fraud).

I am a prepaid user and have lost 1/3rd of my usage for the month by the DSL being down for 10 days now. Today morning I got a call from VSNL to confirm that the connection was fixed (I checked it instantly). The DSL was still down and i reported. To which he said that I have downloaded two days ago and yesterday (1284.19 MBs).

Here goes the big big fraud... If my DSL was down all these days till now (I even confirmed with the technician in the area and he said that they will be fixed today (one more promise)...

If the DSL was down all these days, how can I even connect to the internet? And then how can I download? That too 1284 MBs... my average usage is around 400MBs in 10 days. When I ask for the refund and ask them to disconnect the line and refund me the residual amount, they have not such policies...

I guess the only polices thy have is CHEAT & FRAUD THE CUSTOMERS FOR MONEY. Wherever you complain, no matter what department they all are shameless and taught to be CHEATERS & FRAUDS.

TATA Broadband is the worst service I have ever received. please do not hire TATA for any services. The biggest fraud I have experienced.

Company: Tata Broadband
Country: India
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