Fake sms
Fraud SMS



I wanna help you to catch those fraud people who sends fraud email.

I've received a sms from 919472033325 that I had won 400, 000 pounds award draw & I should provide contact details to them at hpclaimcenter@9.cn.

But I haven't contact them & will never. I request you to investigate through his email & not his mobile no. as given here because we can send any fake sms from any desired no. to any victim's no.

If you want much details then contact me at khanmohdshahab@gmail.com.

Please please don't publish this complaint & keep my contact details in privacy

Thank you...!!!

Reply soon

Company: Fake sms
Country: India
State: Madhya Pradesh
City: Bhopal
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Pakka fraud fellow
Pakka fraud fellow

Denis Idiotic fellow
Denis (fraud fellow)

Denis Bullshit
Denis Bullshit

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