Idea net setter
Money Catcher than Service Provide


I have been using my mobile with Idea since 1999.

On 4th May when I received a call in the morning from Idea Cellular Office, I choose to buy their Data Card. Instantly I started getting phone calls at lightning speed from Mr Sai Prasad. He showed so great interest in delivering the data card at the earliest that I had to leave my office at 3pm and come to home since he said that they would only deliver at the postal address only.

Their person came at 3.15pm and after breaking the seal and loading it on my laptop, he said that the data card shall be activitated within 12 hours. This was confirmed by Mr Sai Prasad over the phone. I was given a receipt of Rs 1999 on some piece of paper. On insisting for proper receipt Mr Sai Prasad said that he would Email it by today evening (Which never came so far).

From 5th May I started calling them to know the status of my activation. I was told that it is under process and will take 2 days. When I tried to call Mr Sai Prasad, I was told that he is on leave today.

On 6th May I again tried to call Mr Sai Prasad but in vain.

On 7th May, I lost my temper when it was tolled that the activation process has just began and it shall take time.By now Mr Sai Prasad's stopped talking my phone calls and whenever I tried calling him continiously, he put his phone "off".

On 8th May (today), first I was told that the activation will take time, I insisted on speaking to the Supervisor which they initially did not gave the connection. When they did, some gentlemen assured me that activation will be done within hours. Later he called me and informed that all activitation is done and I can use my data card. But it never started. I called up 198 and Mr John came on line. After explaining to him, he said that full activation is not yet over and it will take time. Than I at once called at 12345 and to my utter shock I was informed that full activation is available on my data card.

Well, I am not aware when the luck will come to me but one thing has been proved by Idea Cellular that they have become "Money Catcher than Service Providers"

Thats my Idea on Idea Cellular.

Company: Idea net setter
Country: India
State: Andhra Pradesh
City: Hyderabad
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S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t

IDEA cellular ltd

Idea Cellular Limited
On-line recharge ordeal

Idea cellular company
Echarged with 110 but balance not available

Idea Cellular/ Net Setter
Poor Network, Poor speed (Downloading & browsing)

IDEA / post paid to pre paid (9837068636)
Misguide and cheating (Tampering my ID)