Indepay multi terminal
Machine disorde


To whom it may concern,

This is to inform you that we have buyed the new indepay terminal machine for rupees fifteen thousand five hundred only, but at the time of delivery of the machine total set including ups, printer and terminal was delivered old by your respscted officer mr.jagjeet singh who was looking after the ludhiana area as a head officer in the indepay company. From the first day of the installation of indepay machine it was not working properly and now from the last three months the indepay machine is in a totally disoder situation and after so many complaints to the customercare have been loged complaint number&- 4953 dated 21/09, no body has been even visited once on the site where the disoder machine is laying. Even there was no response given from the distributors of ludhiana who had sold the machine to us. So kindly please look in to the matter as i shall be very thankful to for this act of kindness. Our indepay terminal machine id is&9571200291.

Company: Indepay multi terminal
Country: India
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